Things are different now. I don't have very much in the way of material things, and that's okay. A little cliche, but it's the truth. I have a relationship with Jesus, and I have learned how to listen to the Holy Spirit. I have a relationship with my wife, and I am a child with her, under an awesome Daddy.
The Holy Spirit is an amazing entity. Jesus sent Him to us as our helper. He is the one we deal with on a day to day basis, and He is the one who we have direct contact with. I never realized just how direct, and I think that has always been part of my problem. I did have an experience in Pensacola Florida at the Brownsville revival where I was actually knocked to the ground (not violently) by the Holy Spirit, but I haven't experienced very much other direct communication, or communion, if you will. That has changed lately, and I mean REALLY changed. My contact with the Spirit gets so strong at times that I can barely stand. I have prayed for discernment, and have found no reason to doubt the validity of what I am experiencing. I prayed for my wife to receive the Holy Spirit, and I'll be John Brown if she wasn't baptized with the Holy Ghost. This is a real thing, not a cozy feeling or a soft warm fuzzy. It can be quite scary at times because God is so huge that to feel his weight tends to be overwhelming. I would like to give you this opportunity to feel the Spirit, if only for a moment. Many of you have probably seen the following video, but I tell you, it still makes me sob...
So now I've got the ball rolling. I am going to use this space as kind of an online diary, and I welcome any comments that you may have. I'd love to hear some of your experiences. Please, no profanity or anything else that might be considered inappropriate. If you wouldn't want your 6 year old child reading it, don't post it...