Friday, January 11, 2013


I've been listening to Jesus Culture this morning.  Those guys can lead you  into a spirit of worship like nobody's business.  I have a habit of posting lyrics I hear that impact me to Facebook, and though I posted a few this morning, I had to resist the urge to post many more.  I am trying to actually live my life in a spirit of worship, but life, as we know, tends to get in the way and distract us.  I am realizing that it is possible to worship no matter what is going on in your life, as long as focus on God is maintained.  God is there through everything, wants to guide and comfort us through everything, and has the answer to everything we may go through.  He IS the answer to everything we may go through...

Father, teach me what it is to live a life of worship.  Teach me to not look for a "magical experience", but to realize that this entire dimension you have built for us IS the wondrous experience.  Teach me to worship in power and truth, and to live boldly in Your Word.

In Jesus' name,