Thursday, January 10, 2013


So I guess you could say today has been a fairly productive day.  I looked at 3 apartments, opened a checking account, went out to lunch for the first time in months, and did some shopping.  I got a few nice things at the Goodwill store...  I love those resale shops.

My son is going through some stuff with his ex girlfriend.  The bought a car together (first mistake), and he let her put the title in her name (second mistake).  Anyway, he had it parked permanently at the shop where it works because it doesn't run.  She said she was going to sell the car.  He told her that she couldn't until she paid the storage fees to the shop.  She then distracted him, and had the car towed.  A lot of this could have been avoided by keeping all their stuff separate.  It is hard enough for married people, let alone two single people to divide or claim mutual items.  You live and you learn...

I'm in good spirits, worked on some digital art for awhile this evening.  Some of my handiwork can be seen on the Welcome! page and on the journal pages.  The Jesus pic, not the NA emblem.  I ate a great salad today, first time in awhile.  It was kinda expensive though, but it was all you can eat soup and salad.  I haven't been to a restaurant in months, and it was a nice treat.

That's about it for tonight.  I have my blog pretty much the way I want it for now, so now it is time to apply myself to some legitimate content.  I am going to post some articles concerning bible study, but not tonight.

Thank You Father for the many blessings You have bestowed upon my family and myself.  Help us to see our need and see our Savior.  

In Jesus' name,


I had a blast yesterday working on this blog.  I worked on it literally all day.  When it got to be night I started getting a little aggravated with a couple things, and I said to myself "self, the minute you become aggravated with this is the minute it is time to call it quits for the night".  So I did.  The funny thing about that is, when you take your conscious focus off of something it gives your subconscious room to breathe and work, and the answer to the problems will usually just pop into your head when the subconscious finishes computing the answer.  Isn't God amazing?  He designed us so that our mind performs background operations without us having to put any effort into it.  Wow...

If I can get my son up (it's his day off) we are supposed to go look at a couple apartments, open bank accounts, and go grocery shopping.  We have a pretty full day of stuff to do.  I even may get a haircut.  I feel pretty good, though I do miss Anne and my daughter.  I don't think that will ever change, and at least animosity doesn't have a foothold in my heart any longer.  Satan tries to keep us down any way he can.  The battlefield is truly in the mind.  That is why both Christianity and Narcotics Anonymous push community and guidance, Christianity through discipleship and mentorship, NA through sponsorship and a "we".  We are able to get an untainted view of our thoughts and actions, both past and future from those we love and trust.  My sponsor is like a master at seeing past the emotional turmoil to a calmer, more rational outcome for most situations.  If I didn't have his guidance, well, I would be guiding myself.  Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, rolled the T-shirt up and smoked it...  You get the picture.

Father, thank you for my sponsor, and the "we" you have put into my life.  May my circle of clean, forward looking friends continue to grow exponentially.  Please have Your Spirit whisper words of comfort in the ears of my friends Chris S David W, Bill, Lynn, and Anne.  Times may be tough, but You are sovereign. 

In Jesus' name,