Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My View Of Church

I thought I would make a quick post while we are getting ready for church.  It is Wednesday night, and people have begun to file in.  The picture is taken from the new media booth I and another guy built at the back of the church.  We can now do lyrics and scripture verses like the big boys, and all with open source software.  We are using OpenSong.  I tried using OpenLP, but had issues with video and a couple other bugs that made it unfeasible.  Anyway, we video all the services, and do projections.  At some point I would like to see a projector installed to replace the flat panel monitor we have, but we all have to work with what God gives us.  I guess that's about it for now, i'm just trying to get into the swing of regular posting.

God Bless you all!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sometimes a girl just needs to cry...

I’ve had one of those mornings… I awoke from a bad dream first thing this morning. I had dishes in the kitchen sink that had to be washed. The coffee maker was acting funky and brewed my coffee with grounds all in it. My girl would not move above the speed of a snail and it was picture day at school – so we had to be there early. Looked at yet another daycare, this will be # 12… Arrived at work ten minutes late, dropped a cup of coffee on my way to my office and it literally bounced off the floor and splashed all over my white sweater.

Have you ever had one of those mornings? Well, maybe not exactly but I’m sure you have had a rough morning in your lifetime. Did you feel like life was really crappy? Did you feel like no one cared? Did you feel like God didn’t care? I felt that way this morning. I had a little pity party for myself and I shed more than a few tears. And there was the little voice that backed me up – telling me I had a right to feel sorry for myself… but then there was another voice – Can you find your joy even in all of this?

And I did. The Lord reminded me of all I should be grateful for:
1. the warm, dry bed I had to sleep in
2. clean water to wash my dishes
3. electricity for my coffee maker
4. a little girl that is healthy and happy
5. a job, so that I can pay for all the conveniences in my life
6. And my God who did care for me – so much that he sent his Son to die for me.

So it was one of those mornings, but my God is bigger and better than any morning and I choose to believe that He will use even this day for His glory! I’m reminded that “sometimes a girl just needs to cry” (something my child tells me very often). And I’m also reminded that the Lord cares about those tears.

Psalm 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Open Door Christian Center Video

I thought anyone who happens to read this blog might be interested to see where I am at right now. ( Make sure you stop the Free Chapel video that I have on auto-play in the right hand applications pane first)  I made this video while I was still going through the program.  I made it with my wifes little still camera, so the video isn't that great, but hey, we work with what God gives us right?  I am now interning with the ministry, and I will have to say that I am in my element, and happy most of the time.  It can be a little stressful at times dealing with a bunch of drunks and drug addicts, but I am well equipped considering my own history, and I love these guys.  It can be heartbreaking at times, especially when I have to ask someone to leave because of rule infractions, but that is the nature of the beast.

I hope you enjoy the video, it is a little slice of what life here is like, and if you feel so led we are always looking for donations.  The Open Door Christian Center is a Christ centered, not for profit organization, ran primarily on donations and monies received by recycling cardboard in the community.  The men who go through the 3 month program do so at no charge, except in cases where they may be receiving social security or disability etc, and then ODCC does ask for a donation based on the amount of money they receive.

God bless you, and please pray for the guys here as well as their families who have been effected by the ravages of substance abuse.

No Need for Fear

Hi, this is Anne, Todd's wife, and I'm posting for the first time... hopefully I will be able to post often. I'm excited to share my journey as well. To God be the glory!!!

“Real freedom is freedom from fear, where you're truly free from guilt, from worry, from bitterness, and from death. You're free to quit pretending because you're free to be yourself. When you realize how much God loves you, you'll begin to live in true freedom. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear . . ." (1 John 4:18 NIV).” This is from a devotional that I read the other day. (Purpose Driven Life).

The Lord always brings to me just what I need, when I need it. I have had a lot thrown at me all at once, I’ve recently been making lots of decisions that will affect me and my girl. I’m begging the Lord to guide me, praying that I’m following His will, and freaking out in the process. I want to be bold and mobile – doing what is right and allowing others to see Christ in my actions. What tends to happen is that I’m timid and frozen. Why? Because fear creeps in and likes to take up residence in my being.

Frequently throughout the day I have to stop and remind myself that God is in control. When it comes down to it I fear “man” or more specific – I fear the judgment of man. I worry what others will think about what I have already settled with the Lord was right for my family. I feel guilty that I’m hurting others by obeying what the Lord has told me to do. It’s crazy, I know but “looking right” in the eyes of others has been a stumbling block for me since my fundamentalist upbringing.

Anyway, there are no coincidences... the Lord had this devotional just for me. And a voice from within said to me that there was no need for fear. And I choose to believe Him!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mobile Test

I'm testing mobile blogging, so this is a really short post, but I may want to post a picture or something from time to time...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back On Track

A lot has happened in the last 6 months. I did not complete the program that I was in. I'm not going to go into the details about that right now, but I will tell you that I am where God wants me right now.

I did complete a 3 month rehab program at the Open Door Christian Center in Clinton SC. For whatever reason, this is where God wants me now. After the program I had planned on going back to Homes of Hope, but the Holy Spirit had other things in mind, and convinced me to stay here and do a 6 month internship with these guys. It's a smaller ministry with less resources, but even though HOH has more money and resources and could put a little money in my pocket, I knew that I was supposed to stay here. I can feel God using me here, and for the time being I am content. I will start posting regularly (or as regularly as my schedule allows), and fill you in on some of the events that have transpired. For now, God bless and keep you!
