Monday, September 27, 2010

No Need for Fear

Hi, this is Anne, Todd's wife, and I'm posting for the first time... hopefully I will be able to post often. I'm excited to share my journey as well. To God be the glory!!!

“Real freedom is freedom from fear, where you're truly free from guilt, from worry, from bitterness, and from death. You're free to quit pretending because you're free to be yourself. When you realize how much God loves you, you'll begin to live in true freedom. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear . . ." (1 John 4:18 NIV).” This is from a devotional that I read the other day. (Purpose Driven Life).

The Lord always brings to me just what I need, when I need it. I have had a lot thrown at me all at once, I’ve recently been making lots of decisions that will affect me and my girl. I’m begging the Lord to guide me, praying that I’m following His will, and freaking out in the process. I want to be bold and mobile – doing what is right and allowing others to see Christ in my actions. What tends to happen is that I’m timid and frozen. Why? Because fear creeps in and likes to take up residence in my being.

Frequently throughout the day I have to stop and remind myself that God is in control. When it comes down to it I fear “man” or more specific – I fear the judgment of man. I worry what others will think about what I have already settled with the Lord was right for my family. I feel guilty that I’m hurting others by obeying what the Lord has told me to do. It’s crazy, I know but “looking right” in the eyes of others has been a stumbling block for me since my fundamentalist upbringing.

Anyway, there are no coincidences... the Lord had this devotional just for me. And a voice from within said to me that there was no need for fear. And I choose to believe Him!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if my first comment went through so I am posting again. I have something in my life that is a great source of fear... fear of what people will think of me, what people will say about me etc. Paul himself had something in his life that he prayed to have removed, but God said no. God's grace has to be sufficient for me, and I can only pray that eventually my thorn will be used to bring our Father glory. Great post Anne...


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