Good morning everyone!
You know, I wonder if you just require less sleep as you get older. I would have thought it was the other way around, that the older you get the more sleep you need. 5:30 rolled around this morning and BING!, I'm wide awake... I have no reason at all to get up that early. Even with my devotions, Just For Today, and journaling getting up at 7:00 still gives me plenty of time before I have to leave for work. That may change once I get my license straightened out, but for now I have to ride with my son, and we don't leave til almost 9:00.
The JFT this morning talked about turning our will and lives over to the care of God as
as we understand Him. Many Christians have a problem with that aspect of NA, and in the past I was part of that crowd. I finally, through examining my faith and observing others evidence of faith, came to the conclusion that even as Christians our understanding of God differs. We
all understand God differently. As Christians our basic doctrine is the same, but we develop our understanding of His character as we go along. And let me just say this; it is much easier to give the gospel to someone who is clearheaded than it is to someone who is in active addiction. I have heard many testimonies of people who joined NA as an atheist, and after getting clean came to see the Truth of who God and Christ are, and were saved.
We are supposed to be moving from this house we are living in sometime soon, but I am kinda worried that the money just isn't going to be there and the move is going to turn into a mess. Please pray Gods guidance and protection over this endeavor. My life is just now beginning to stabilize, and it looks like it is going to become unstable again in a hurry.
That's about it for this morning. I pray that you have a blessed day, and that you grow closer to God minute by minute.
Father, please strengthen my dependence on You, and my courage to face the unknown. Help me to walk a path that You lay before me, not one that I pave myself. Please put people and circumstances in the lives of my children that will cause them to know Truth.
In Jesus' name,