Monday, January 14, 2013

One step closer...

I got my reply today from the SC Interstate ADSAP agency today.  I was accepted into their program.  Now all I have to do is to contact a certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor or state-certified DUI evaluator, provide the counselor or evaluator with the enclosed IADSAP Provider Referral Letter, obtain a face-to-face interview for clinical assessment, complete all education and/or treatment recommendations, instruct the treatment provider to return the enclosed Recommendation for Relicensing form to the ADSAP office, and sign a Release of Information form.  Oh yeah, failure to complete the program within a 2 year period will result in ordering a new packet with a new fee and a new driving record...  What a blessing!

It actually is a blessing, I'm just having a little fun.  There are always consequences to our actions.  I may be forgiven by God, but the State of SC wants a little more.  What it actually boils down to is an evaluation and 16 hours of classes, and attend a few NA meetings... and money of course.  I've got the NA thing covered.  I was actually expecting a lot worse.   From what I understand, the classes are either 1 full weekend (2 eight hour days), or 2 different Saturdays.  Something close to that anyway.  God is good, at least I am breathing.  I could have died in that motorcycle accident.  Come to think of it, there were many times when I was under the influence that I could have died, but God always had his hand on me.

We had a speaker tonight at the meeting.  It's funny (well, maybe not that funny) how our stories can all be so different, yet all be the same.  The circumstances and particulars vary from member to member, but a few things remain the same.  We all have gained and lost, hurt the ones we love, and finally come to a point where we just surrendered our wills and lives over to God.  I have yet to meet a member with any clean-time longevity that said he doesn't believe in God.  When I need a little "experience, strength, and hope", I know just where to find it; at a speaker meeting.

Father, thank You for the program of Narcotics Anonymous.  I know that it is a program given by You, and that it is a tool to draw the sick and hurting to Your healing embrace.  Thank You for giving me the opportunity to escape the seemingly unescapable grip of addiction.  Please be with my children and Anne as we navigate this thing called life that You have so graciously given us.

In Jesus' name,

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