Came across this video while searching for some old Brownsville Revival footage. If you think Redemption World Outreach Center can get a little out of hand, take a look at what can happen in other countries when the Holy Spirit descends on a service. I want to understand God's weighty presence, as well as feel it manifested. I know what it feels like to have the Spirit descending on you like an ocean, and it can be a little scary. Just remember; in the book of acts, as spectators looked at the disciples being influenced by the Spirit, the only explaination they had for what they were seeing is that the disciples seemed to be drunk. When God manifests his power to us, our earthly vessels don't know quite how to handle it, and may operate beyond our control, and may seem to take on a life of their own, but God IS in control, and we should learn to let go and trust Him. This lesson is for all areas of our lives.
Are you ready to let go?
This next video is a testimony from the Brownsville Revival. I remember that when I went down to this church for the revival, you could feel the Spirit of God the moment you stepped on the property. This is the ONLY time in my life I have ever been slain in the spirit. I was very skeptical of that sort of thing, but this woman came towards me to pray over me, and when she got within like 2 feet of me I was knocked flat on my back. I got up going "Oh my God, what just happened?!" It was really freaky and hasn't happened again since, but I welcome the Spirit Should He choose to do it again!
That's it. I just thought you might like to see some old-school and some foreign-school worship. I hope all is well, and God bless you. God is in control, but it is up to you to walk it out!
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