As I am going through my email this morning I came across a message from YouTube. Mike Tober has posted a comment on your channel. "You are an ignorant fu____g fool." This guy doesn't know me, the only video I have posted on YouTube is a promotional video for a rehabilitation ministry, and the only videos I typically watch are how to videos or Christian music videos. I do not post comments to my YouTube channel, didn't even know I had a YouTube channel. I am just amazed at people these days. I mean, what are we, 12? It made me mad, but it was one of those kinds of mad where you have to smile, and in your head you are going "really?".
Gonna try and get this apartment finished up today. It is a large one, and I wasn't able to work yesterday, so this one is taking awhile. Highly textured walls of rolled drywall mud. It was a nightmare to cut in.
Father, thank You for waking me up this morning. Please help me to see and do something about the sin that is still in my life. Please guide my steps and words throughout the day and cause me to be a blessing to someone else.
In Jesus' name,
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Please keep your comments clean and positive... If you wouldn't let your kids read it then you probably shouldn't post it! Thanks...