Friday, January 4, 2013


I woke up a little later then I have been, but still before my alarm clock.  I haven't been sleeping well.  This morning the dream I was having as I woke up was different.  It involved my family, but not family I spawned.  My mother, father, and sister were in it.  The dream was just weird.  I have been trying to see if there were any lessons about myself or my current state of mind to be gleaned from the dream, but I haven't come up with anything so far.  I know God has a habit of waking us up in the middle of the night to have a chat, but I don't know that this dream was one of those instances.  I guess that if I am supposed to take from this dream, then it will sort itself out as the day progresses. 

I've been having this weird feeling lately.  A feeling like though circumstances in my life may not be ideal, my heart is praising God.  The only way I can describe it is as a bitter-sweet praise.  It is something I am not used to, and I take it as a sign of a maturing heart.  In the past I have either been happy and praising God, or just kind of grudgingly going through the motions.  It feels like something solid and real that I can grab onto even in the midst of trials.  It is an amazing thing really, and I don't want to lose it.

I guess that's about it for this morning.  I know it is a little short, but my mind feels clear this morning, and I don't have unresolved issues swimming through my mind, though that could definitely change by the time I do my evening journaling. 

Father thank you that You are the God of peace.  Thank You that we can feel safe and calm in the midst of trying circumstances because of our relationship with You.  Thank you for the fellowship that you have led me into.  Please watch over and protect my children, and help Anne and myself as we try to walk as You would have us walk.

In Jesus' name,

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