Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tuesday, 1/1/2013 - Morning

Well, I had an interesting night last night.  I did not sleep well at all.  I hope the night wasn't an indication of how my year is gonna go, but I guess even if it is it just more opportunity to past tests...  Between the fireworks going off and phone calls from my son about his girlfriend, or ex girlfriend, or whatever she is in reality it seems like I woke up every hour.

I am very optimistic about this coming year.  I brought up the topic of resolutions in my meeting last night, and I learned something.  Addicts don't tend to make resolutions for the new year, and the general consensus is that they don't do this because they make resolutions every morning when they wake up, so there is no need to do it at the beginning of the year.  I guess this is where the "Just for today" philosophy truly shows itself, and though I had never thought about it in this way, I have to say bravo.  God said in His word that we are not promised tomorrow, so there is no use worrying about it.  All we actually have is today, right now even.

English Standard Version (©2001)
yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

I will not drink today, that I know.  I make no promises about tomorrow, but I pray that I wake up tomorrow and am able to say the same thing.  

Father, I thank you for letting me see the beginning of a new year.  I thank you that you have brought me to a place and time that I am able to focus on you.  I pray that over the coming year You would increase my desire for You.  I pray that you would position me to be able to provide well for my daughter.  I pray for Anne that her love for You does nothing but grow.  Help both Anne and I to become people that those around us would call "of God", and be right.  Father, I pray that you would draw my son to you, help him to see his need for you, and give him the strength to act on that need.
In Jesus name,

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